Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Welcome to the Grill

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Hello! This is Bretony McGee and Whitney White. We are best friends who live in the downtown area of Detroit. Something we love to do on our spare time is go hang out at local bars and resturants....not jankey ones! Nice ones. We will be going around town, mainly Downtown, to all the hidden and known treasures of the city. Why? Because we have nothing better to do. But mostly because we care about what goes on in our city and we want to know what is going on and not just be left out of the loop. We would like to share our findings with everyone who is willing to listen, expand their horizons, and be open minded to trying new things.

Since we arent the richest people in the world, and we dont really have jobs, we will be doing this on a strict budget of little on no money. But dont worry, it CAN be done. We will show you exactly how to do it...



sammi c - the california dream

aaww i love you girls! i miss the D...so update the blog and i'll live vicariously through y'all haha

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